Fall: the crafting season.
/Myroslava embroidering during Folk Camp
This autumn season we've all been busy crafting!
As the weather dips, it's a good time to curl up with a handmade project, whether alone or in the company of other eager 'makers'. From zines to dolls to traditional embroidered shirts, there has been a buzz of activity within our community with workshops and gatherings happening almost every night of the week.
For those passionate about traditional textiles, Myroslava Boykiv has been leading several groups of women through the process of planning, cutting, and embroidering traditional Ukrainian linen shirts at St. Vladimir Institute downtown and St. Demetrius Church in Etobicoke. In addition, Myroslava has been hosting a drop-in class every Thursday (7-9pm) at St. Vlad's where anyone can learn rare and beautiful embroidery stitches. The class is pwyc and all materials are provided. We're lucky to be working with such a skilled and enthusiastic teacher and hope Myroslava will be able to stay with us a little longer before she returns to her native Ukraine.
In addition to embroidery, the weekly "UKROP: Ukrainian Folk Thursdays at Vlad's" has added singing, dancing, and other crafts to the list of learning possibilities. The weekly workshops are organized and led by musicians from the Lemon Bucket Orkestra and Bozena from Kosa Kolektiv. See facebook for the full schedule.
Lalka looking at Spadina ave., Toronto, on
This coming week, we've invited Tatiana Salo to share her craft of "lialky motanky" (reeled dolls), a deeply meaningful craft that is experiencing a resurgence in Ukraine and around the world.
So far, Tatiana's lifesize "motanka" has been holding space at the entrance of the Institute, watching over the flow of people travelling on Spadina Ave., inviting interested passersby to step inside to learn more about this tradition.
The reeled doll is one of the most ancient toys and sacred items of the Slavic people. In ancient times every family had a doll that acted as a talisman, a protectress of the kin, was a symbol of female wisdom, and of Mother Earth, and the connection between generations. We are excited to be offering this workshop for our community and look forward to spreading positive energy through these dolls!
Some upcoming workshops to look forward to: "pavuky" (mobiles of natural straw) and "didukhy" (ancestral sheaf of grain).
And the most exciting thing of all: the culmination of the autumn season of crafting and the launch of holiday craft sales!
Kosa Kolektiv and Folk Camp usher in the winter with our annual Winter Folk Fair- a full day affair at St. Vladimir Institute full of holiday cheer, including an extensive Handmade Market, Food, Entertainment (for all ages), and Folk Singing and Folk Dancing.