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Hailky- Spring Revels in the Park

Traditional spring rituals led by KalynDar singers and open to people of all ages and backgrounds! Beginning at the southeast corner of Trinity Bellwoods Park with a procession after 2:30pm, and leading into the south-central part of the park for games, dances, and more merriment. Suitable for children of all ages, and those 'children at heart'.

In ancient Slavic tradition, which has been preserved into the present day, women call forth spring with "vesnianky" (spring songs) and lead the community in spring rites called "hailky".  During "Hailky", children and young people sing and dance as they play outdoors, celebrating the rebirth of the earth in its fresh blossoming newness.  Lots of simple circle dances and physical, silly and fun games happen throughout the gathering on the village green.

see photos from past years: