To me, kosa kolektiv isn't just an ordinary club. It's art. It's crafts. It's music. It's laugh lines. It's brewing tea. It's honouring the past that we know so little about and creating new traditions...while we're at it.
In September this year, I was inspired to write down a story told to me by my grandmother, which turned into a script of a short film. In the past couple months I have become completely obsessed with the creation of my film (yet to be titled). I've been keeping a website as up to date as possible with my process and progress thus far. I know it's a long process that requires a lot of money, but I'm willing to do it. I NEED to do it. Check out my site and subscribe to get updates.
And I also love taking photos. I shoot mainly with a simple film camera. I've set up a flickr page showcasing some of my work...I'm currently in the process of updating my page, but click here to see my older compositions.
I have had the honour of my poetry being published in the University of Toronto literary journal Acta Victoriana, for the past 2 years now, where famous Canadians such as Margaret Atwood, Dennis Lee, Lester B. Pearson and Al Purdy have also been published. In addition, several of my photos have been selected for Acta Victoriana and The Hart House Review. and Oh! Last year, several of my photos were chosen to be shown on TTC subway screens as part of the Contacting Toronto: We're in this Together Flickr display of Toronto themed photos.