I'm Marichka. Nice to meet you. If you're here...let's hope for a real world encounter at some point. These days I am singing with women's folk group KalynDar (website coming soon) and a hush hush improvisational singing project we've dubbed " singing without walls", doing some creative writing under the moniker goyukkuridouzo, speerheading charitable endevours through kosa kolektiv and starting work as a grad student in social work in the Fall. Schoolwise, I'm hoping to focus on the therapeutic aspects of art and how folk art (i.e art made by folks and not necessarily tied to any one genre) is a big part of building healthy societies,coping strategies,support networks and free and unopressed peoples ! Yes it's that simple ! ( I wish, I wish). I like to document the goings on of our kolektiv through instagram - find me under marichkacheech or #kosakolektiv.
I am also currently working on a family history on my mother's side - working with arhcival photos, text and layout - calling all book binders and small press peoples!
Current interests/plans and nagging thoughts are - anti-corruption and the revolution (wishful word) in Ukraine, yoga, massage, meditation,writing,social justice,musical jamming and new takes on traditional Eastern European music,documentaries, our upcoming Ivana Kupala in June and escaping from the city !
If anything here strikes your fancy, get in touch, let's work together, this kosa community is big and growing and we love meeting more people who like what we're about...chances are we'll like what you're about too !
theemarika at gmail dot com