Kosa Kolektiv participated in the St. Demetrius Bazaar on Nov 26-27th at St. Demetrius Church in Etobicoke. We lucked out by having a table next to some folksy septogenerians who were selling d-cal embroidery wrapping paper and traditional Ukrainian folk song compilations WHILE playing a beautifully crafted mandolin and fiddle respectively.
At the height of the bazaar we were about 10 singers strong, belting out ancestral tunes in genuine spirit and having a pretty good time.
While our table display was incomprehensible to Sister Rachel, and the typical church bazar crowd accustomed to trinkets, flashy wreaths and convenient gift baskets, we also got a lot of positive interest and feedback.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hello and picked up a gift or two. We are proud of what we make, and hearing you share your admiration only sweetens the deal for us.
Until next time,